Ever have that moment in life where you were just flat out having a bad hay? You know, when maybe you were on your way to work in the morning and you got stuck in traffic? Then someone decides to cut you off too? That's enough to ruin anyone's day! I'm sure many people have experienced this example before. Well, if you lived in the city before you have. How crazy is it that something as small as that can ruin a WHOLE day!!?
Everyday in life, you have two ways to react to things: positively or negatively. Instead of getting mad and irritated about sitting in traffic, look at it in a more positive way. Appreciate the fact that you HAVE a job when there are thousands of people unemployed in the world. Be thankful that you HAVE a vehicle when in third world countries, something like that is considered a luxury. Most importantly, be glad that you are alive and well, because someone in the world at that very moment is dying or fighting for their lives. Do you think that we would have gotten that meal at Chili's paid for if we were rude to them? Probably not. We didn't let it get to us and we just went on as we would have if we would have gotten the meal at a decent time. Because of us being so patient and understanding, they covered us. How rewarding is it to be positive in life!
Being a positive person isn't just to better yourself, but being more positive also betters those around you! We could have gotten mad at the Chili's cook, but it just would have made our day even worse than it already was. And because we didn't get mad, the employees working that night appreciated that because they were already having problems be backed up in the kitchen and didn't need anything else on their plate (no pun intended). When you are positive, people are attracted to you. It makes their day better just by being around someone like that. No one likes a negative person. Nobody. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have been around someone who was a "negative nancy" and how it ruined my day!
Work on changing your attitude. You can't always control your circumstances in life, but you can ALWAYS determine your attitude! Always be aware of what you're thinking. If you find yourself thinking negatively, quickly change your thought to something that makes you happy. Make eye contact with people, then give them a smile. Compliment people more often. There's TONS of things you can compliment a person on; their smile, hair, clothes, vehicles, color of their eyes, shoes. The list goes on and on! If you see an elderly person having difficulty with something, offer help. By doing small things like this you are making yourself feel significant to others. Everyone wants to have significance in life, everyone! And by doing that, you are making people feel better and brightening up their day just a little. You never know what kind of tragedies that Wal-mart employee may be going through at home, so you do not know how much one small compliment may lift their spirits. Just because a smile may not seem like much to you, doesn't mean that it didn't mean the world to the person you smiled at. This concept is a win-win.
Just remember that how your day goes depends SOLELY on your attitude. It's the ONLY difference between a good day and a bad day.
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