Monday, October 8, 2012

Insanity Month 2!!!

Hey my viewers! It has been awhile since I posted about Insanity. Or, at least that's what it feels like! I am suppose to be doing WEEKLY posts about my journey this time around but as always, life got in the way. I finished up month 1 and moved on to Core Cardio and Balance week. Which is the week before month 2. It kind of preps you for the second month. The workouts are less impact but you still sweat a lot! That week for me was a little hectic. I had a family emergency out of state. We ended up packing our bags and leaving for 5 days. It threw me off some. I am not a person who can handle "change", if you will. I feel weird working out in someone else's house! I know...maybe I'm weird for feeling like that. Anyways, needless to say, Core Cardio and Balance week didn't really get done. But that's okay! I am DETERMINED to finish this round of Insanity strong! I am not giving up! I did do one day of the Core Cardio and Balance. So I have 5 more. I am planning on doing those workouts on Sundays. If I don't end up doing it that way, I will just tack them on to the end of month 2. Either way, it's going to get done!

Today is my first day of month 2 and I have to say, I'm a little nervous. I have done Insanity before but it's been about 2 months since I've done these workouts. They are MUCH longer than month 1. I think today's workout is 59 minutes. Why not just make it 60?! I guess so they can put on the infomercial that the workouts are under an hour. Haha. They are pretty much the same as month 1 workouts, the only difference is the moves are more advanced and the time is longer. Let's just say month 1 is just to get you ready for the REAL insanity in month 2!

One pro about month 2 is that results come faster. Which, I suppose makes sense beings the workouts are longer and harder. But I kind of like that. If you're going to sweat anyways, mind as well work as hard as you can! You will be sore all over again. At least that's what happened to me the first round. It might vary from person to person. I will be doing my fit test the end of this week only because the second month you are suppose to do the fit test AND a workout all in the same day. I personally feel like that is TOO hard considering how much I push myself during the fit test. I am definitely burned out by the end of it. So I wouldn't have any energy left for the actual workout. Anyways, I just thought I would write this to let you know I am still here! I haven't gone anywhere nor have I quit the workouts. By no means am I a quitter when it comes to making myself better!

I do have plans for my future workouts. After this last month of Insanity, I think I am going to jump right into another round. That will be my 3rd and FINAL round. At least for awhile. I don't want my body to get used to the workouts. After my final round, I think I am going to do P90X. I have been bouncing around between P90X, ChaLean Extreme, and Lesmills Pump. And now, Beachbody just came out with a new workout program called Lesmills Combat. So now I'm on the fence with that one too! I want a program that focuses more on muscle building rather than cardio. I love my cardio, but it's not going to give me the body I want if I  want to have nice muscle definition. Plus, muscle burns fat! Who wouldn't want to build muscle?! Welp, I guess I will end this! I am going to try to do daily posts on my workouts. If not, I will do weekly ones. Thanks for reading!


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