Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Insanity day 16/63 Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Slowly but surely I am moving "down" on the Insanity calender. It sure is a pleasure to mark off the days as they go past! Today's workout is the LONGEST of the workouts in the first month. It is 41 minutes long. You spend about 10 minutes on the warm-up and 7-8 minutes stretching. Then you move on to the first circuit:

Suicide Drills- you run one way, touch the ground, then run back the other way and touch the ground

 Power jacks- squat down with your hands in front of you, then you jump back up and put your hands to your side

Mountain climbers- high knees while pretending to climb a mountain with your hands

Ski Jumps- jump to the right and left with your knees slightly bent and your hands to your side like you are skiing

You do that circuit 3 separate times with 30 second breaks in between. This circuit is easy the first 1-2 times, then that last time you have to do it, it starts hurting really bad and you feel like you're going to die. But don't worry, you won't! Before you move on to the second circuit, he makes you do two more moves directly after which consist of

Scissor Legs (something of that nature)- You move your legs back and forth with hands going opposite of legs. Both your feet have to be touching the floor.

You are going to shoot me but I can't remember the other move!! Next time I do it, I will be sure to let you know what it is!

 After another 30 second break you move on to the last circuit:

Basketball Hoops- squat and jump up like you are making a slam dunk

Level 1 Drills- Jump down in push-up position, do 4 push-ups, do 8 floor sprints, then jump up

Ski Abs- Stay in push-up position, jump your legs to the right of your body, back to push-up position, then jump your legs to the left of your body.

In and Out Abs- Stay in push-up position the jump in, hold it, then jump back to push-up position

After you do that 3 times, you have to do these moves directly after:

Jabs- act like you are punching a punching bag

Uppercuts- Act like you are uppercutting a punching back

Can't remember the name of this move!(haha)- but you basically go into squat position, keep your hands open and stretch one arm at a time in front of you, bring it back and then do the other, then keep doing that fast.

Somewhere in the mix you have to do Cross Jacks. I can't remember when you have to do that one but you basically criss-cross your legs while throwing one arm up in the arm at the same time. Okay, I'm sure you got it by now that I'm horrible at describing workout moves! LOL. Any ways, it's a really good workout and you will sweat your butt off! I have no problem with the Plyo workout only except that it's the LONGEST workout and there's a lot of jumping involved...hence the name. haha. I heard for some people that it is rough on their knees but I haven't had a problem with that. The only problem I have is I tend to get chin splints often. But that could be due to how I land and how I run. I'm not a light lander nor runner so it usually leads to chin splints and that can get quite painful with all the high knees and what not. But that's kind of my run down for today's workout. All of the moves are 30 seconds long I believe. I started my day off with a tall glass (well..protein bottle) of chocolate shakeology, then greek yogurt with frozen berries before my workout. Of course, I ALWAYS have my water and a handy paper towel beside me as I'm working out to hydrate myself and wipe off all the sweat.

Thanks for reading!!!

If you want to watch my weekly VLOGS on you tube, look up the name Rachel Holcomb

Also you can add me on facebook if you would like to join one of my Insanity Challenge Groups. They are awesome! I would join if I were you :)


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