Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Insanity Day 3/63 Cardio power and Resistance

WHEW!! The end. Haha....SERIOUSLY though. After I woke up the next day from doing the Fit Test, I could barely get out of bed. It's crazy to think that only 3 weeks out of the game, I am getting sore all over again. I guess that goes to show how fast your body will bounce back without exercise! I will forever keep that in the back of my mind from now on.

So today consisted of a lot of jumping and push-ups. Now, I'm NOT a fan of jumping. I LOVE cardio, but if I cared for jumping, I think I would have signed up for track in high school instead of cross-country if you know what I mean. Today's workout was 39 minutes long I believe. Basically, how Insanity works is, you start off doing your warm-up, which is about 6 or 7ish exercises for about 30-60 seconds each (don't quote me, I'm just kind of going off memory), then after that, you do the warm-up AGAIN....and AGAIN. And the last time you are suppose to go "turbo-speed", but by then I'm usually burnt out. Now in between the circuits you have a 30 second break. Which, let me point out in case you didn't notice, it's a "30" second break. If you're anything like me, that means wipe off the sweat, grab a swig of water, and then you're back at it. Not much of a break huh? The clock counts down the whole time as your working out. Once you get past the warm-ups, you do different stretches for about 5-6 minutes. By time the clock gets to 21 minutes, you start your circuits. You do each circuit 3 times, with 30 second breaks in between, kind of like how you did the warm-up 3 times. There are 2 circuits each in the first month of Insanity, unless it's the Pure Cardio CD. That's non-stop. Then when the clock gets at 4 minutes or so, you stop and do your stretches and then your done! Not too bad right??? Wrong. It's devastating! Fun, but devastating. I have never sweated as much as I do with Insanity in my life! Not even in sports. But at least you know the job is getting done. If getting a hot body was easy, EVERYONE would have one. I tell all my friends I am glad that God didn't give me a fast metabolism and that I do have flab on my stomach. Because that means I actually have to WORK for my body. Which in turn means I am getting healthy. Never forget that just because someone is "skinny" doesn't mean they are healthy. Remember what I said about my Fiance in my Clean eating post? Yeah, he applies to that.

Okay so that's all I have for my accountability post! I hope it helps you understand more of what today's workout is about. The first week of Insanity is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS the hardest. If you are just starting out do NOT get discouraged. Your body is going through some INSANE changes and it will eventually adjust to the intensity. I promise next week will not be as hard on your body. The workouts will still be hard, but you shouldn't be sore or anything anymore. Good luck to your workout and like always, Subscribe, Share, Comment! It would be gladly appreciated! :)


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