Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Okay, so I officially started week 2 of Turbo Fire yesterday!!! I can NOT believe how fast the first week went. Even though this program is 12 weeks long (and has the potential to be 20 weeks long!), I don't think it will feel that long once I complete it. That's the beauty of this program, IT'S FUN!

The first week was hard, and it wasn't until I did my last workout of the first week that I REALLY felt the pain. That workout is called Core 20 and Stretch 40. In Core 20, you are working your core muscles. Your abs, back, etc. with a resistance band that is equivalent to 30 lbs. It was an AWESOME workout, and it felt super easy! Afterwards I did the Stretch 40. That is where you do yoga like moves and deep stretches for 40 minutes. THAT was something else!!! Chalene does some crazy moves in her stretch classes, but I happen to enjoy them because they are relaxing and they REALLY push your flexibility limits. There is NO way that you wouldn't be more flexible by the end of this program by doing her stretch classes! Anyways, after THAT day, I woke up the next morning so stiff and could barely move! Who would have thought that those 2 simple workouts would cause so much pain?! I LOVE workouts that cause you to be so sore you can barely move, because that is a good sign that it's working!!! Pain is weakness leaving the body!!

My overall review on the first week is actually that I enjoyed it. It went by fast, the workouts ranged from 35 minutes to an hour and 20 minutes. You are having so much fun trying to focus on the moves you are learning and listening to the music that you don't have time to watch the clock. And so far, I am enjoying this second week!!

I am REALLY going to try to stick with weekly reviews on this Turbo Fire Journey! I think this is a good way to look back on my journey to see how much I have improved and to also help you see that ANYONE can do it! If you would like to join in one of MY private Turbo Fire groups, then contact me HERE



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